A. Currently, all of these contests are open ended, meaning forever. Starting with
the third site contest, a "Contest of Contests" rankings page will be available.
Q. Can I have more than one account?
A. While finding out about multiple acounts is a somewhat difficult task, multiple
accounts are prohibited and will be deleted when found. Simply put, don't do it.
Q. Are teams allowed to participate?
A. Teams are allowed, provided that prior permission is obtained before creating a
team account.
Q. What are the rules of the discussion group?
A. Keep it clean. This is a friendly group where long lasting friendships can
occur. I do ask that programs, source code, algorithms and contest solutions not
be discussed in the public group; however, if members want to discuss these things
outside of the discussion group, then that's their business. On the other hand, these
contests are competitions, so sharing solution details will likely work against you.
Q. What happens if I find a site bug?
A. I prefer that site bugs be reported either directly or on the discussion group when found. Bugs
tend to reduce the enjoyability of the site, so we will strive to resolve them expeditiously.
Q. What means can I use to compete on this site?
A. You can use whatever equipment or programming tools are available to you. You can use pencil and
paper, do it in your head, or consult your astrological chart if it helps.
Q. What do I do if I have a question that isn't answered here?
A. The discussion group can be accessed with the "Forum" link at the top of every page. If you need to contact
some one specifically, the email addresses are visible on the discuasion group web page.
Disclaimer: The rules and site details are subject to change without
notice. Rulings of the proprieters are final and are not subject to appeal. In short,
if you don't think you should be doing something, then don't do it.